Sunday, January 17, 2016

Weather rules

Squall that caught Bob

Weather still continues to be a big show stopper.  On the good says, many of the sail boats take leave to head over to the Berry Islands or Nassau.  Next day, a new batch of sail boats show up from Miami to wait their turn. Seems that El Niño is having an effect here in the Bahamas as well. 

One night, all was well with 25 to 30 knots of wind blowing boat all over the place here at the dock.  Then suddenly a gust hit with such force that it blew most of the cushions from the marina lounge chairs into the water.  Dan from Quest got into his 100 HP dinghy and ran around fishing out cushions and other flotsam that was drifting by.  A tree down the street was blown over.  Only lasted about a minute, but it was strong.
Palm tree over CJ's deli

A few days later, while walking home from the beach, I got caught in a front that came through.  Felt as if I was getting sand blasted with the rain water and sand.  Never before have I gotten hit by rain so hard that it stung.

Many Faces of Bob's Beach
Many faces of Bob's Beach
Channel into North Bimini

Morning after.  Note Piper the dog on the right.

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