Wednesday, November 18, 2015

AT&T store

After another check around the boat / dock / parking lot / car I left for the AT&T store in Newport News.  Driving along the road looked familiar and then I started seeing signs for Williamsburg.  I’ve been on Hwy 17 at this location on a trip with my mom to Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown.  I wouldn’t mind visiting again but alas I had to continue on my assigned journey.   

Arriving at my destination I found that the AT&T store had moved but it was grand opening day for the new location which was about 4 times bigger than their old store and the Falmouth store I am  familiar with where there are a couple store reps and a dozen customers.  Here there were at least 6 store reps and …… me.  Before long I had my new phone which happened to look just like my old one.  Bob had been installing a new faucet in the head sink and needed parts so off we went again to Home Depot.  Parts in hand, the rest of the afternoon was spent with Bob finishing up the new faucet and me updating my new phone. 

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