Thursday, November 19, 2015

Gerting to settled into Zimmerman Marina

We are getting comfortable here.  They let us use the car, hot showers, free water and electricity, no holding tank issues, and they are friendly.  Getting difficult to think about moving on.

It is a rainy day as forecasted!  Wind and rain washed decks and cabin.  I should put on my rain gear and scrub the decks…or stay inside where it is warm where Bob is making hot chocolate.  I am getting very lazy.  We have a list of things to do but will we do them…   Time has passed.  More trips to Home Depot were made.  We cut pieces for the storage area under the queen bed.  I measured it wrong AND cut the wrong piece of plywood.  Grrrrrr.  The pieces still work…barely.  Put together two pieces to fit under the mattress so Bob can have his legs higher when in bed.   

Went to dinner at Patriots Grill where they had a barbecue pork special.  I ate that instead of vegetables.  When am I going to start eating better?  Oh yeah, tomorrow!  We split a freshly cooked ½ chocolate chip and ½ macademia nut cookie still in the skillet and sizzling hot with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.  What a good idea!  It was great!!  Bob says he will start with the cookie for dinner. 

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