Tuesday, February 23, 2016

North Harbor, Warderick Wells, Exumas

This is when todays electronics are really useful.  Neither one of us knew what day of the week it was so we had to consult a laptop.  Today was a lazy day full of indecision about whether we should move on or enjoy this location for a few more days.  Our original reason for being here was to wait out a westerly front which may or may not arrive on Wednesday through Thursday.  Since the Exumas run generally northwest to southeast there are very few anchorages which have protection from west winds.
Bob still strives for a baby face!                      

Laziness won out as Bob was anxious to finish his book and while settled in one place it is much easier to stay on course with the regular soaking and antibiotic application on Bob’s toes.  We had yet to paint our boat name on our piece of driftwood collected at a beach on Highborne Cay and donating it to the pile on Boo Boo Hill was a priority. 

Peggy made journal entries in the event we someday have reliable internet and can update the blog.  Bob studied charts to help decide where to go next and we tightened up our spring schedule estimates.  Not being able to swim has caused a change in plans as good snorkeling areas no longer tops the list for anchoring stops.  Boat cleanup was another priority as we hadn’t properly stowed items since returning in February.
With the midday temperature at 78, humidity of 73, and the sun calling, we bent to our duties interspersed with short breaks to enjoy the weather.  Though the air was warm, the water felt cold.
Painting the boat sign  and varnishing new outlet covers

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